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A Man of No Importance

During this production, I had the opportunity to learn from actors and stage managers operating under the Actors' Equity Association while serving for a full-length rehearsal process and run of show, interning and acting in the position of Production Assistant. 

High School Musical Jr. 

My first show working alongside industry professionals, I worked as an Assistant Stage Manager to introduce the world of the theatre to over 150 kids through High School Musical Jr


Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812

As the first high school to ever attempt the undertaking of this incredible show, we worked tirelessly to transform our performance space into a 360° surround experience for our audience and clearly communicate this 70-page slice of War and Peace


As a modern interpretation of Shakespeare's Hamlet, we incorporated projection, backstage lighting instruments, contemporary costuming, and a clear understanding of the text in order to make the playwright's work accessible to all audiences. 



A beautiful story about finding oneself, this production revolved around a minimalist set design paired with extreme technical feats that showcased the ensemble to its fullest potential.

Beauty and the Beast

To tell this larger than life story, we rented a professional set from New York that featured a completely automated castle that we unloaded, assembled, and programmed as a crew. 

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August: Osage County

With an intricate, impactful text and my first time being entrusted with stage managing and calling cues as a sophomore in high school, August: Osage County was one of the most eye-opening theatrical experiences of my life.


An enlivening yet moving story about a little girl standing up for what is right, we worked with industry professionals to incorporate technical elements to bring this world to life.  

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