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A beautiful story about finding oneself, this production revolved around a minimalist set design paired with extreme technical feats that showcased the ensemble to its fullest potential.


Production Stage Manager

Scene Breakdown, Documentation

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When rehearsing Anastasia, we had a smaller time frame to complete this musical and worked faster than we typically do on musical projects. With these rehearsal time constraints, I kept an ongoing document that included my initial Scene-by-Scene Breakdown as well as Director Notes of things to revisit as we moved through the process. After the show was finished and completed with technical cues, we utilized the Scene Breakdown to go back through our show and clean the final details.

Broadway Dallas Rehearsal Calendar

After receiving nominations for the Broadway Dallas High School Musical Theatre Awards in May 2023, I worked alongside my director to put together a calendar for our nominated Best Musical performance at the awards show. We had the honor of being nominated for Best Ensemble and individual performance awards as well, so my director and I factored in any small call needed to solely work on individual's competitive performance pieces. 

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Prop Construction

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When constructing Anastasia's iconic music box, I worked closely with our Props Master to find ways that we could replicate this prop in a cost-efficient way. We ended up thrifting two compacts for our base shape and adding clay to the lid and sides to form the details.

Our Props Master designed the music box and did the majority of the initial painting and decorative work. I then created a replica of her design and formed the second music box as a back-up, which we ended up using when the original prop underwent regular wear-and-tear. 

Set and Revolve Construction

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For our production of Anastasia, we rented the original Broadway projections and focused on creating a set that would work hand-in-hand with the projections instead of pulling the audience's attention. We cut, built, and pieced together a layer of platforms to bring our stage off the floor, and then we installed stage revolves on wheels that switched sides from a projection wall to pre-set pieces. Here you can see our revolve mechanism (shown above) and our center and side projection screens in action (shown below).


Show Gallery

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