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About Me!

By engaging and creating within the realm of theatre for the last seven years, I've cultivated this art form into a passion and cannot imagine my life without it. Theatre has the power to shed light on subjects within our society, allow people to turn inward and discover new aspects of themselves, and create bonds within the community. Specifically within Stage Management, I've been blessed to operate as the perfect "middle man" on projects, coordinating between actors, directors, and the creative team as well as exploring the ways in which I can facilitate an environment where every single person feels safe and valued. Throughout my theatrical experiences, I've savored every moment that I've been able to support productions within my roles and look forward to continuing to orchestrate that storytelling magic within theatre. 


Artistic Statement

From the audience, performer, or technician perspective, there is nothing like live theatre. The electricity felt before a show combined with the intimacy shared between audience members, the impact of a person’s performance, and the intricacy of every technical element is a phenomenon that I’ve only ever seen executed through the art of theatre. Growing up, I felt the exhilaration of being taken on journeys from an audience seat and played numerous roles onstage, discovering that same rush of excitement within the rehearsal process. Learning the value of trusting your director and devoting everything to playing your part, I then explored an entirely new aspect of theatre - Stage Management. 


Whether regulating safety protocols, coordinating clear communication, creating an inclusive environment, or maintaining the integrity of a production, Stage Managers have no easy task. This job exists at the crossroads of artistic story-telling and logistical calculations, requiring organization, resilience, and problem solving. After discovering Stage Management, I found that this role in the production process fit my skill set while still providing incredible opportunities for growth. I delved into this role, embracing every chance to learn the inner workings of backstage by calling cues, operating light boards, and rigging fly systems. The ability to manipulate and alter the story elements with a simple light cue, sound change, or costume piece astounded me and fueled my craving for more backstage experiences. 

After this first endeavor into the technical world, I proceeded to Stage and Company Manage musicals and productions for the next two years, while also interning at Casa Mañana, a Regional and Equity Theatre House, as an Assistant Stage Manager and Production Assistant. Requiring me to adapt to new environments, these positions taught me the importance of networking and fulfilling the responsibilities of your role. These real-world opportunities built my confidence and reinforced that I want to pursue Stage and Production Management as a career, continuing to orchestrate the magic of storytelling in theatre.

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